Who are you wearing?


You watched the Oscars last night, tuning in early to see the red carpet and all the celebrity fashions. You had a little taste of the glamour and glitz of Hollywood. But on Monday you returned to work, turned on your computer and realized, your computer desktop was wearing last year’s fashions! Joan would tear you apart.

Save yourself from further embarrassment and download one or all of these desktop ready-to-wears.


Limoncello Ingredients Wallpaper

960 x 640 (iPhone)
1024 x 1024 (iPad)
1440 x 900
1680 x 1050


Yellow Sad Monster Wallpaper

960 x 640 (iPhone)
1024 x 1024 (iPad)
1440 x 900
1680 x 1050


Pink Sad Monster Wallpaper

960 x 640 (iPhone)
1024 x 1024 (iPad)
1440 x 900
1680 x 1050


Love Birdies Wallpaper

960 x 640 (iPhone)
1024 x 1024 (iPad)
1440 x 900
1680 x 1050

Valentine’s Day Printables

I have created two very different valentines to share—a stricken little monster and a slightly grotesque heart. If you’re like me, and struggle with the sappy messages in many greeting cards, maybe one of my offbeat valentines will be the right fit for your special someone.

Button “My heart is yours” PDF

Button “Could you love a monster” PDF

So what’s the story with the monster? Long ago I sculpted a little clay gargoyle, about five inches tall. I painted him solid white. It was February. I gave him a little heart sign that said, “Could you love a monster?” and sold him at the annual Tiny Art Show at Emerge Gallery for $10. Since then, the phrase “Could you love a monster?” has stuck with me. We’ve all been at that vulnerable place in a relationship where we question whether we are ready to dive deeper into a relationship or not. It can feel like asking someone to love a monster. Gosh, isn’t love lovely, even when it’s devastating?

We all know what Valentine’s Day has become, a competition of who can send and receive the most embarrassing amount of flowers and gifts to their significant other at work. I don’t think any holiday is required to express how you feel to a person, but if having a day marked on a calendar inspires people to step outside their comfort zone and take that risk, I’m all for that. I’m a romantic, really.

Continue on to see a tutorial on making the cards, plus a BONUS…